July 11, 2007

What is Loss of Humour

(Somebody shared his anxiety over loss of humour and this came out)

Are you talking about situation, where you want to laugh with people, crack jokes, make people laugh, have good and fun time with them. But at the same time, you are somehow not able to do that. Either there is something which stops you from coming out with something humourous, or that even if you want to come out, you can't find the right manner, or other's probable reactions hold you from saying what you want to say?

If that is the case, it may have its roots in you trying to save your image in mind of others. Let me share this example and realisation. A child grows up in an atmosphere, where you have defined criteria of what is good and what is bad. So you learn that drinking, smoking, flirting are signs of bad boys. These boys do all mischief in school and at home. Good boys are sincere and concentrate only on studies. They do not run around, laugh around. They are serious, sincere and polite. All these years, boy gets to learn these things and get rewards for complying with society defined norms.

He sees children playing in streets, getting soiled, shouting and laughing. He also feels like going. But immediately the thought is buried, as being weired. He has seen others failing and himself getting high marks. He has got results and so he does not mind being that way.

As he grows, he knows he is good boy and is always rewarded being that way. So in all his actions, he either tries to enhance that image or to protect this image. And while concentrating on this imaginary self made projection, he loses the real self. In most of the cases that I have observed, loss of humour is because the person wants to cling to his image and does not want to create a different image in society. This fear and hesitation takes aways the inner joy, freshness and originality of person. One can't be genuinely humourous with such burden on head.

To be really humourous, person needs to be completely free of any such burden. Effective humour in most of the cases is not pre-intended. It just comes out. It is the basic nature of humans. Only we have suppressed it under multiple layers.

The only way to gain it back is to break these layers. And it may take time, depending on how many layers you have created. One way in which it can be practically done is to be attentive to the events when you hold yourself from saying or doing something. On such occassions, ask yourself why you are not moving ahead. If answer comes in terms of others will laugh or others might not feel right about it, then go ahead and do that. Break your image of being a good boy, or a serious person or a decent individual. You are what you are. If you feel that doing or saying something (which you feel like saying or doing) will make others think that you are a fool or you are mad or you are not consistent in your actions, better to listen to your voice and do it, rather than holding it up. After all before pleasing any body else you need to please the most important person - Yourself. If you only care about others and not about yourself, your SELF will be lost. So open up and do not leave an opportunity to just be.

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