July 5, 2007

Rethinking Educational System

Today’s education system TRIES to provide tools and skills for survival of a person. However, tools and skills can be utilized properly (and not misutilized) only when person has following elements:
1) He knows and understands himself.
2) He knows what he wants in life – the purpose
3) He clearly knows his priorities and values
4) He can keep himself standing in all turbulent situations – internal and external

These are the foundations on which a person starts living and enjoying life. But our educational system has no focus at all on these areas. We do not have any complementary of alternative system running efficiently, which can compensate for that. Family can assist in this direction to a great extent, but present day parents are also the product of same rotten system and so cannot do much in this direction.

Now talking about skills, our educational system is totally handicapped in providing even the skills and tools. First of all, it does not provide the basic and most important skills, like communication, thought process, creativity, physical fitness, healthy food, arts, imaginative & visual capabilities, self control, etc. Secondly, whatever, skills it teaches, the methodology is completely disoriented. The whole educational system is based on making child learn things by heart. So you have huge books to read. You have homework to write same thing 10 times, and then you have exams to vomit out everything that you learnt during last one year or last one month of exam preparation. The goal of our present educational system is to produce people who can remember things well and then put the same thing on paper. Is this what we need to use in life? Do we need human encyclopedias or the creators? Do we need human books or the action oriented visionaries? We need to decide and then we need to look at what we are giving children. Today’s educational system is garbage and as the principle goes - ‘garbage in garbage out’ – we are going to get non-thinking, theoretical, lousy idiots moving around us (we have already enough of them).

This system is slowly and silently taking the capabilities of human beings to a gradual death. If immediate actions are not taken, results will be disastrous.

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