July 15, 2007

Brothers & Sisters - How Chemistry Goes Bad

(Somebody shared his not-so-good relationship with his brother and this came out in repsonse).

We have always heard of great friendship stories. Childhood friends sharing a great relation for the rest of their age. they might not play around same way, but just look at them when they meet after years.

Ever seen such a bonding among siblings? There may be some, but so rare. 90% of the cases, we come across are such where siblings do not share a great bondage. Yes, they share a great deal between them, but still it does not go much beyond blood connection and rarely reaches the intensity of freindhsip (Rather, in many cases, relationship gets spoiled as they grow and start getting settled in their lives). In 9.5% cases, relationship is sour from childhood or teenage itself.

It is surprisingly so familier situation and I am sure that most of us share greater relationships with friends rather than brothers or sisters. And we all have some degree of friction with siblings, ranging from fights over petty matters to the complete cold war. There are in fact very few people who have got their siblings as their best friends. Now this seems so contradictory. They are the ones we know since our childhood and understand them much better than anybody else, and then also we are not able to develop wonderful relationships with them.

If we have a clear look, we might find that most of the times reason does not lie in what we did not do, or what we should have done, or what we need to do, but rather in contamination of relationship with needless considerations we add to the simple chemistry (Rather that’s true with any relationship).

Let’s look at this relationship simply. Here is somebody who knows us and whom we know so well. They are the ones who have cared for us and we have reciprocated. They are here so that the life is more enjoyful. They are here so that joys and sorrows can be shared. They are there so that we can remove our social masks and become the real self and open our hearts and share our feelings. They are there so that we play and laugh together. That is the simple (but very powerful) role for which they are there in our life.

In this simple chemistry, the contamination we bring is reacting to other's reaction. So, last time when I went to him (or anytime I approach him), he did not responded…or yelled at me…or gave me a sarcastic remark…or regarded me as less important and so on.... Yes, these things are painful. But we never go beyond ruminating over our bad feeling. We just withdraw ourselves from talking to him, deciding that talking to them gives pain (that’s our immediate conclusion). It is painful even to face the memory of what happened and so immediate and easiest way is to withdraw. But our mind does not let us go so easily. It reminds us continuously – no he is your brother, how can you have bad relationship with them, no that is not possible. And we get mad between these thoughts (we never go beyond these thoughts and continuous rumination).

We first need to face this reality - Yes, I had painful interaction or events with him. And if I am thinking over it, it means that I want it to transform to good relationship. We might even realize that, we do not want to have great relationship with this person. This is very much possible. It may be that we are moving with burden of obligation to make relationship strong, just because of blood connection. Once we realize this, the way he reacts will not be of any significance.

Whatever it is, let us get clear about what we want first. If we know that a nice relationship will make our life better, we would better see if we can do something about it.

“Let me see, what he did to me. He made this reaction, which I did not like and it hurt me. Why did he do that? Did he know when he did that and whether he is aware about how I feel about it? If not, let me go and ask. But asking for such things feels so embarrassing. What he will think about it? He will think that I am a fool asking such a question? Or he will react even more badly on me asking this? It will be really bad then. Yes it might be. But right now I am feeling miserable. At least here there is a hope. It might be that he did it unintentionally and so things will get clear. My intention is clear – I want good relationship – and so even if I make some mistake in doing that, it is fine. It may be that he is doing that intentionally. Then he needs to answer for that. And even if he does not answer, at least he need to know that I feel bad about it and I want this relationship to give happiness to both of us and to people around us.”

The best thing when we feel uneasiness with anybody, is to express that uneasiness as it is. In 50% cases, the other person immediately opens up and expresses his feelings, though may not be very openly (they do not expect this openness from us, but they also feel burdenless when we talk freely. Their immediate reaction might be anything, but they develop respect for openness, honesty and intentions. They rather start understanding us better). In other 50% cases, person might tell us not to worry about his reaction. Even he feels bad about the way he reacts and he will thank for giving the feedback. (In all cases, one realization which comes, is that the matter was not so complex, difficult and cumbersome, as I had created in mind by delaying the conversation for so long).

The reaction that we always dread (he will feel insulted, or will get angry or will just walk away) never arise. And even if it happens exceptionally, it is only an immediate reaction and our free talk definitely leaves a mark of openness and intentions. Somewhere he does realize the real situation. The mistake that we make in these situations is to react to his immediate reaction either openly or within ourselves. We only need to be attentive to our actions and to stick to what we think is right. In such cases, it might take some time, but gradually the person starts melting. It is difficult to accept faults and we can make their job easy by behaving in manner in which we think is right (and in not reacting to his behaviour). So if I feel like giving smile to him, I will give it, irrespective of his indifferent or puzzled looks. If I feel like telling him something, I will tell him and look at him expectantly as an ordinary person would expect an answer. If he does not answer, I will feel bad as a normal person would, if I really get that feeling. And it gives such a wonderful feeling, because we will suddenly feel liberated. We are no more dependent on others reactions to decide our actions. We become free from something which had controlled all our reactions, contrary to our will. Now we are in control of our own actions. It feels wonderful and it will transform our life as well as life of people around dramatically.

If someone feels that brother being more intelligent is not giving him proper response, he would better go deeper. See how many good friends of him are intelligent. We do not need intelligent people for relationships. We need loving and caring people. But we trade in love also. I cared and loved so much for him and he did not even notice. What is this? Why do you want a DESIRED and SPECIFIC reaction in response? Why can’t you do what you want to do and end the matter. Let other person do what he thinks he should do. But we always condition our action as per how other person should react to our actions. So if he does not react as we desire, we withdraw totally from him.

And it is not withdrawal. Rather it is a dirty attachment. Every time we remember that person or see him, we are filled with pain. So we develop a relationship, but a painful one. Yes, it is difficult not to expect a desired response. So expect it, no problem. It is painful, if it does not come that way. Yes it is so, accept it. Why to run away from these things. Life is what it is and pain is where we run away from reality, from things as they are. We do not want to even accept that what happened has actually happened. Let’s take a step forward. Yes, it is not easy. But sitting and feeling bad is also not easy. Is it easy to bear the burden of bad relationship? And we have choice of actions. We can stop talking to him. Yes. What will happen then. We will not be able to face each other. We will have this pinch all the time. If I do not want this, what’s the other way. Go and talk to him. Express all feelings truly and openly. There is no chance that he will not understand it.

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