December 21, 2006

Gandhigiri with Munna Bhai

This refers to the article “Nothing Gandhian about it” by Ajit Duara (‘Magazine’, 01/10/2006). I have a difference of opinion over views expressed under the article with respect to the movie “lage raho…..”, as well as on applicability of Gandhian Values. Article mentions that the movie gives a wrong impression about Mahatma Gandhi being a “passive fellow who always turned the other cheek”, “solved problems by saying sorry to people”, “shaming them into better behaviour” and so on. Article further mentions that the Gandhian principles (civil disobedience) works only with civil and law abiding people.

First of all, it needs to be understood that this movie is not a documentary on Gandhi’s life and values. It is only a simplified demonstration that principles preached and practiced by Gandhi seventy five years back to gain freedom for the country, can be applied to our daily life problems and situations. It rekindles the faith in the principles of truth and non-violence at a time when present generation (and even the older generations) has lost the real meaning of these terms.

With regard to the opinions about Gandhi after watching movie, each person can have their own interpretations of Gandhi as a person. Someone totally ignorant about Gandhi can be excused for mistaking Gandhi as passive person. However, those with deep understanding on strength of truth and non-violence, will understand what type of activeness, awareness and courage, it takes to turn the other cheek.

It needs to be understood that it does not amount to surrender to the tyrant. On the contrary, it is a slap on his face with a silent bang. It says that I will not retaliate in your manner, I will do it in my manner and I will continue on my way, whatever you do to me. People try to empty their frustration out, in the name of teaching others a lesson (which never happens) and aggravate the situation.

It should be understood that what is important here is not “taking the slap” but “not to deviate from the right path and action”. Those who think that getting a beating is equal to defeat, have no better purpose in life than to protect their ego, by showing that they cannot be beaten.

Again, saying sorry to people, shaming them into better behaviour and telling truth to scoundrels are only the outward display of basic principle of truth and non-violence. These actions and other similar actions will not work unless the actions are taken with conviction that this is the right thing to do. It may or may not result into change in behaviour of others immediately (may not be as fast as shown in the movie), it definitely gives one the satisfaction of doing right things. And eventually, things do change, as the other person starts seeing the mirror and an inner change takes place. This will not be the case, if he is given a violent reply.

Similarly, in case of elderly gentleman shaming the official, article states that the old man will be laughed at and shall be described as senile. The root of most of present problems is that we are so afraid of being laughed at, that we do not gather courage to take the right step. The person, who is convinced about his actions and does not care about what people think about him, will be successful in this type of active surrender.

It is true that the events have been simplified but if that is not done, it is not possible to fit all those events within the frame of three hour movie sequence. Despite this, director has kept the basic theme alive in all the events. One can show the application of each of Gandhi’s principles and can make a movie out of each of them. However, this movie acts as a ignition to the faith of common people, whose beliefs in basic human values have been crumpled with so called ‘practical approaches’.

One thing that needs to be kept in mind about the movie is that it is just a glimpse, a ray of hope that these principles do work. There is not absolute formula for getting results in these principles and so any manner of application of these principles can always be questioned with logic and reasoning. One needs to catch the basic theme of any principle and than he may apply these principles in life in his own way.

The most disturbing fact about the article is that it qualifies the application of Gandhian principles based on whom you are dealing with and states that these are workable only with civilized and law abiding people. It is shortsighted view about the outcomes from application of these principles, which has made our society to take such limiting views about Gandhian values. In fact, these principles are more relevant while dealing with uncivilized and ruthless people. Results might take time, but this is the only way to get long lasting results, where people change from within.

Considering the recent examples quoted in the article, let us answer, whether Iraquis have been successful with their violent attempts against the Bush regime and is there any hope of success for them with present way of fighting. Had the Jews protested Nazi Barbarism in Gandhian way, it might not have saved them (they could not be saved otherwise also), but it would have definitely shattered the base of barbarism and dictatorship.

It is too narrow a view about the principles of truth and non-violence, that its application is restricted only to the law-abiding ones. It is rather the fear of short term sacrifices that one might be required to make, if he follows these principles. A real understanding of these values will definitely give conviction to anybody that only means which work in long run are truth and non-violence.

Regarding enforcing rules in society, Gandhi would have never advocated strict enforcement of law. He never advocated external enforcement, rather, he practiced and preached taking right action from within. He would have encouraged people to obey law because it is right thing to do for all of us.

Lastly, a true understanding of character of Munna Bhai will reveal that though he is a ‘Bhai’ and does illegal business, from within, he is full of love and care for fellow beings. He knows what is right and understands it in very simple terms. Gandhian Principles actually channelise his energy into more productive outcomes. Let us answer, if this character can be stated as idiot, are the people around us picking up small fights without any purpose, any better.
The movie needs to be taken with an appreciation of the fact that somebody is trying to put the Gandhian Principles back to the place, where they belong to – the heart of common people. These do not belong to the book shelves of libraries or the speeches of great orators. Let us not argue the logic behind the actions suggested in the movie. Rather, let us understand whether the truth and non-violence are right things to follow, and then let’s take actions in our own way. That is the spirit behind GANDHIGIRI.

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